
Part installation, part sociological survey, Between Doors invites audiences into an evolving narrative on the nature of choice. What is choice? Are we the sum of our choices? Are we in control of the choices we make, or is choice merely an illusion?

Confronted by a series of free-standing doorways, participants are asked to make a choice; for every decision there lies a doorway; through that doorway, another set of doorways; and through that doorway, another set of choices.

Overhead, a large screen tracks and visualizes the data from the selections made throughout the night, revealing intricate parallels and unforeseen insights between choices and choice-makers.


Lansdowne Street, Fenway Park parking garage, Boston
Oct 10, 6:30pm – 12:30am

* Between Doors was originally commissioned for Toronto’s Nuit Blanche in 2014. Click here to view gallery.


Stats from October 10th, 2015
1,500+ Participants

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You can download the raw data in CSV and SQL format here.

View stats from the Toronto edition.